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~1 min · Stefan Huber · 16. November 2018

Conference – Transformation of letter press

The Gutenberg-Museum in Mainz invited a broad audience of book lovers and type enthusiasts to a conference about haptics.

This weekend was the second run of the conference «Transformationen des Buchdrucks» (Transformation of letter press) with the topic «Haptiken» (haptics). Where as the first conference two years ago was held in Berlin this time the «Gutenberg-Museum Mainz» opened it's doors.

There were many people from all over Germany and even some international Guests. The broad range of Speakers gave a good overview of several different Topics right now happening in the field of letter press.

conference impressions Daniel Klotz of the company Lettertypen showed us during a break an output of his 1924 built press (Johannisberger Schnellpresse).

conference impressions Dafi Kühne after his talk showed the originals produced in his workshop. He also showed us his new Video-Series the Printing Show™.