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~1 min · Stefan Huber · 3. Dezember 2018

How to cut out small print runs

After printing a small run I usually cut the paper by hand. But what's the best technic?

Finding the right crop


To figure out the final crop I usually put masks – made out of gray cardboard – on the print. I consider the final proportion of the format and try to have some rational numbers (2:3, 3:5, ...).

Making a Mask


After I found the right spot I make a mask with tracing paper. On the tracing paper I make some markings of the print so I can easily place it on the next print. I take care its correct 90° angeled so the final product will not end up as rhomubs. In the corners I place a transparent tape to punch with the stitching awl through and mark therefore my final format on the print. Now I'm able to crop it with a cutter.


Thanks to Rudolf Barmettler for showing me this technic